Various pipe fittings which are ASME B16.11 Socket Weld Coupling, Threaded Elbow and ASME B16.9 Equal Tee were export to Malaysia. read more →

They are bsp fittings and threaded pipe fittings, which are threaded coupling, threaded elbow. The thread types are BSPP and BSPT. Material is A105 and SS316. Pressure is Class 3000. They are very nice and pretty. Especially the thread. When customer received these threaded pipe fittings,they are very satisfied and another order will be placed to us soon. read more →

Client always call us and wanna buy good quality pipe fittings. How to know the quality from the appearance of pipe fittings. Not easy but we will know while using. Safety first is in the project quality. When it occurs, will be cuased irreparable damage. read more →