09 11 月 2017
11 月 9, 2017

Butt Welding Pipeline Connection

Butt Welding Fittings

Butt Welding Fittings for Pipeline Connection

Butt Welding Pipeline Connection is one of the most common methods of pipeline connection. BW Fittings are highly practicability and applicability.

Welding connection processing is

  • Spot welding first to fix the two part.
  • Firmly welding.

Of course, the welder’s requirements are higher than other welding ways. In strict working conditions, butt welding needs to do 100%rt flaw detection.

The main butt welding pipeline connection components are:

  • Butt Weld Flanges.
  • Butt Welding Fittings such as Elbow, Tee, Olet, Reducer.
  • BW Valves.









Generally large diameter Butt Welding Fittings are more common. It also available in small diameter of course. In the condition of requirements are not strict, generally other connection methods are prevalent under the DN50. Such as: Thread Connection, and Socket Welding Connection.